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Package 2 Gourmet Nights

The Caportigia Boutique Hotel in collaboration with Il Tiranno Restaurant offers a stay dedicated to relaxation and taste.
Soggiornando almeno due notti incluso nel pacchetto pernottamento, colazione, un menù degustazione a scelta tra quelli disponibili al Tiranno Restaurant, elegante ristorante situato al piano terra del nostro hotel, guidato dalla fantasia e dall’impeccabile gusto della Chef Valentina Galli che vi stupirà con le sue proposte gourmet. Godrete inoltre di un aperitivo degustazione e un trattamento Jacuzzi nella suggestiva location del nostro rooftop.
Included in the parking service package with car valet.
Breakfast included every morning
Un menù degustazione per una cena al Tiranno Restaurant
A tasting aperitif
A Jacuzzi treatment on the terrace
Parking service with car valet

Rooms and Suites

Each room of the Caportigia is unique and different for internal distribution, design and use of decorations.

Made with ceramic materials, from Italian productions, and handcrafted wooden furnishings, the room experience of the Caportigia is proposed from the magnificent classic version to the unforgettable deluxe with jacuzzi pool on the terrace.

Request Info

Caportigia Boutique Hotel

To quickly contact Caportigia or to request more information, you can send any requests to the email addresses indicated or use the appropriate form. We will reply to you within a very short time. Our staff, in addition to the Italian mother tongue, speaks English, French and Spanish fluently.

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